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Corruption of the Child Support system…

Frank HatleyToday, while I was surfing, as I normally do every day, I came across this story of a guy name Frank Hatley from Georgia  who just gotten released from jail, spending 13 months for failure to pay child support for a kid that was not his. WTF? This story stated that he proved that he was not the father of a kid back in the year 2000, but the Georgia child support division still wanted money, so they locked his ass away for failure to pay child support for a kid that was not his, in which he proved back in 2000 and he spent 13 months in jail until this community legal activist group came to the rescue. If it was not for this legal activist group, he would still be in jail and the state of Georgia would not give a damn until they got their money.  Georgia can go to hell for putting an innocent man to jail for a kid that was not his. 

I as well had the same problem, about 8 years ago, I did fall into some hard times myself and I took the responsibility to call the El Paso, TX child support services to inform them of my circumstances.  A “bitch” from the El Paso, TX child support main office name Sandra told me, “I don’t care about you. I don’t care about your damn kids. We only care about getting our damn money into this damn office!”

I will never forget what she said to me that day and it still rings in my ear as of this day, quote…end quote. 

I do believe in paying child support, only if the kid is yours or if the kid is yours through adoption. Either way, every parent should be responsible to pay his or her share in providing for their own child or children. I do have a problem when a parent that is paying child support but is unable to do so, especially in these economic downturn, and still faces jail time.  They should at least work with the parent to see if there is another payment method that can be accomplished.  The child support service does not care what or how the economy is, even if you don’t have a job but you are desperately seeking employment. Even if you are working, making minimum wage, paying the most you can, behind on your child support, they will still send you to jail, make you lose your job, your car and take away your privileges to see your kids. 

The child support system always put up commercials about how the father is important in a child’s life, but they don’t hesitate by puttingbribery_and_corruption the father in jail, saying that you can only see your child every two weeks between this and this time. The mothers sometimes uses the kids as a leverage, telling the child support bogus lies, then the protective services are called in then the privileges are taken away until the matter is resolved. When it is found out that the lie was bogus, the privileges are reinstated. Does anything happen to the mother for making false accusations and separating the bond between the father and the child, even momentarily…NO!

Yes, the child support system is needed, I do agree with that, but they don’t have a heart when children are involved, they should have a heart and care.  The child support system should be concerned about getting both the parents involved in the child’s life and be motivated by child’s well being as he or she turns into adulthood.  Instead, they are driven by greed, money and cash.  The more money that they collect, the more they look good for the books, so they don’t care about the “damn” family.  The child support is driven by money…nothing else. 

My frustration of the child support system is not through my own experience, except for the excerpt of what Sandra has told me, otherwise, everything else is through what I have seen from my friends, read in clippings and from the experience that my clients at the bar faces. 

The child support system is not perfect by no means or even close to it. It is sad though that their only determination is for money and enronnot for the children or the parents.  They don’t give a F*** about the kids, parents or anything else, as long as the books shows money, woo hoo, then they act like they are the god send of children humanity.  I do have to admit that they do put up a good front on how much that they do care about children, with all the posters, commercials as well as all the other bullsh**, but it’s all fake; as fake as Enron.  If the child support service took control of Enron, then Enron would have never been guilty of corruption.  The child support service is hidden under the corruption of money.

August 13, 2009 - Posted by | Corruption of the legal system, Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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